
Variety range

Q-Potato trades a number of different varieties suitable mainly for cultivation in Southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

Varieties include: 
Spunta, Agria, Desiree, Hermes, Jaerla, Kondor, Liseta,  Monalisa, Mondial, Diamant, Cara, Bartina, Baraka, Lady Rosetta, Premiere, Kennebec, Nicola, Alpha.

Seed Potatoes for processing

Concerning seed potatoes for processing we can deliver the following varieties: 
Innovator, Markies, Agria, Lady Anna, Challenger, Fontane, Arsenal. 

Q-potato goes into new varieties

The last two years we have made several trailfields and the best varieties will be mentioned below.  You are welcome to discuss results and possibilities with Wouter Mutsaers or Dan Koch. Click here to get in touch.

  • Early, rather firm cooking variety
  • Attactive smooth skin
  • Good tolerance against bruising and damage    
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  • Excellent frying quality
  • Suitable for table & crisps
  • Good storability
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  • Big size tubers
  • Uniform tuber size and shape
  • High yield    
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  • Very attractive bright skin
  • Good Phytophthora resistant
  • Good storability
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  • AB-cooking type with beautiful skin
  • Late blight resistant
  • Suitable for home french fries
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  • Late maturing parti-coloured variety    
  • Suitable for multiple markets
  • Strong against scab, heat and drought
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  • Deep red very good tasting variety
  • Good storability
  • Mid-late variety
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  • Mid-early crisping variety
  • High yielding
  • Dry matter 22%

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  • Big tubers
  • Mid-early variety
  • Strong against phytophthora
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  • Big size tubers
  • Good dry matter content
  • Good yield
  • Good storability    
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  • Beautiful red skin variety
  • High yielding
  • Strong against phytophthora
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  • Very attractive bright skin
  • High yielding variety
  • Good storability
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  • Moderate late crisping variety
  • Good resistance against heat and drought    
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  • Crisping variety
  • High dry matter content
  • Low sugars early in the season    
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  • Mid-late variety
  • Good skin set and big tubers
  • High yielding
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  • Attractive smooth tubers
  • Suitable for washing
  • Uniform tuber size and shape
  • Good bruising tolerance
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  • Big size tubers
  • Very attractive bright skin
  • High yield
  • Early tuberisation
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  • High % big tubers
  • Cooking type B
  • Good storability
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  • High yielding variety
  • Excellent taste
  • High % big tubers
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  • High yield
  • Big size tubers
  • Good drought and heat resistance
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"Informing myself well about the customer's requirements. For the maximum results for both the client as the supplier."

Dan Koch
Purchase and sales of Danish Seed Potatoes
