Q-potato Pool


Q-potato sells the ware potatoes of the Q-potato Pool. This pool consist of potatoes from growers in clay areas. Q-potato strives to maximum sales of industrial potatoes in category 2.

Q-potato Pool offers growers the opportunity to participate 100% in the pool or to opt for a combination of a fixed price and pool. Growers can sell 5, 10, 15 or 20 tons per hectare at a fixed price.

Q-potato Pool offers growers:

- Sales from November to June
- Maximum sales in category 2
- Choice: 100% pool or combination of pool and fixed price
- Quality management, personal advice and assessment
- Smooth logistics handling
- Seed potatoes of all regular varieties
- Current market information at your table

Quality is of paramount importance at Q-potato Pool. That is why quality management has high priority. We provide advice and assessments of the lots during the growing season and storage of the batches.

The Q-potato Pool is a continuation of the cooperation between the growers of the association Flevopool and Q-potato Holland BV. In order to cooperate more intensively and to improve internal processes, Q-potato is responsible for the daily business of the pool.

Contact for the ins and outs:

Luc Plomp
T: 06-22785383
E: luc@qpotato.com

Kees Gommeren
T: 06-54674104
E: kees@gommeren-kruisland.nl

Policy and supervision

The board of the Potato Growers Association (ATV) Q-potato and Q-potato Holland BV are jointly responsible for the pool strategy. Each year they determine the strategy to be used for the coming harvest year. During the season, pool sales are discussed between Q-potato Holland BV and ATV Q-potato.

Investment fund ATV Q-potato

ATV Q-potato manages an investment fund in which potato growers of the Q-potato Pool can invest with limited risk. Interest is paid on the investment. Based on the motto "money from farmers, for farmers", this fund is used for sales on the potato futures market. The resulting money will be settled with the Q-potato Pool.

"Striving for maximum sales in Category 2 by closely monitoring quality with the grower."

Luc Plomp
Quality Assessment
