Cammeo variety description

  • AB-cooking type with beautiful skin
  • Late blight resistant
  • Suitable for home french fries


  • Skin color: Yellow
  • Tuber Shape: Oval
  • Flesh color: Light yellow
  • Uniformity of size: Good
  • Tuber size: Bold


  • Export: Yes
  • Table: Yes
  • Mash Potato: -
  • Organic: Yes
  • Specialties: -
  • Chips: -
  • French Fries: Yes


  • Cooking Type: AB
  • Dry Matter: Agerage
  • Underwater weight:
  • Bruising: Average
  • Damage: Average
  • Discoloring after cooking: None
  • Chips:
  • French Fries: Good
  • Skin presentation: Very Smooth


  • Dormancy: Long
  • Fertilization N: Normal
  • Fertilization P: Normal
  • Fertilization K: Normal
  • Tuber Count: Average
  • Metribuzin: In research
  • Emerge: Slow
  • Maturity time: Late
  • Yield: Very High
  • Mechanical damage:
  • Second growth:
  • Internal defects:


  • Potato Cyst Nematode Rostochiensis: Resistant
  • Potato Cyst Nematode Pallida: Susceptible
  • Wart Disease: -
  • Common Scab: Resistant
  • Leaf Blight: Resistant
  • Tuber Blight: Strong
  • Y-virus: Average