The right potato
delivered to the customer
at the right time and at the right price.

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Léon and Jaap strenghten the Q-potato team

Léon and Jaap strenghten the Q-potato team

From February 3, Léon Kranenburg and Jaap Jonker are strengthening the Q-potato team. Léon will focus on purchasing ware potatoes and Jaap on selling them. 
Jaap Jonker and Léon Kranenburg both joined Q-potato as successors to Dirk van de Water.

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Potato Europe: start of the seed potato season

Potato Europe: start of the seed potato season

Potato Europe; start of the seed potato season

The international Potato Europe trade fair is always a starting point for the seed potato season. In Northern France, we met many of our existing customers and new customers at the beginning of September.

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Q-potato means quality. You can keep us to that. Whether you are a grower or buyer an whether you are interested in seed or ware potatoes. We take care of the purchases and sales, and we focus mainly on potatoes from clay soils.

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